Eternal Father, Gracious King

Song by Tim Chester, Phil Moore + Ben Slee
CCLI Song #7133132

Eternal Father, gracious King
we come to you in prayer,
accept the pleas your children bring,
enfold us in your care.

Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
To your throne of grace we come
by your Spirit through your Son:
in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We come to you in Jesus' name,
we plead his precious blood.
We leave behind our guilt and shame
secure within your love.

We come because the Spirit speaks
to calm our doubt and fear,
puts "Abba, Father" on our lips,
and calls us to draw near.
© Tim Chester, Phil Moore and Ben Slee 2019.
CCLI Song #7133132
Admin by Song Solutions